Project prices are primarily based on time. The more you can supply the less that needs to be done resulting in less time.

Supply photos, logos and other art electronically if available to avoid scanning or creating time. If a project has a lot of text supply the text electronically to eliminate typing costs.

Supply text electronically via email or disk (check to verify software compatibility). No need to double space after any punctuation (unless you desire that look). No need to double space paragraphs (unless it makes it easier for you). No need to tab or space paragraph indents. If setting up a table only use one tab between each column. Even if the look is out-of-line on your end, it won't be on our end. Provide a print-out of all items to be used in project.


For Publishing Companies

All ads should be supplied as media kit states. If you request film, charge for an electronic submission and vice versa. Whether or not you charge the customer, chances are you are being billed by your vendors.

It can be VERY feasible to have film ads that run the same ad time and time again scanned (opticopied) and converted into electronic files.


Fonts and Artwork

Types of fonts. True type (not recommended) Postscript (preferred) more consistent and require less time to RIP.

Types of acceptable art files:
    Tiff = tagged image file format or
    eps = encapsulated postscript

Other art that will need to be converted to a tiff or eps (again resulting in more time) are:
jpegs, gifs, pict files.


bleed = when a printed piece has color or image to the edge or the paper the image or color needs to exceed the paper edge and get cut off. This exceeding amount is bleed and is usually at least 1/8".

camera ready art = artwork that is ready to be scanned or shot as is.

CMYK = the four-colors of ink used to print in four-color process. They are cyan, magenta, yellow and black respectively.

Desert Desktop = a graphic design firm specializing in print media.

dpi = dots per inch. It is a measurement critical to the quality of output. If a print job is printed at 150 lines per inch the dpi of all photos converted to halftones being printed should be 300 dpi (double the line screen).

eps = encapsulated postscript (art)

halftone = the conversion of a continuous tone art (i.e. photograph) into many dots so the art may be printed.

imposition = also see printer spreads, process of laying out the job to correspond to the way it will be needed on press.

keyline = a frame, usually around a scanned piece of art.

image setter = an output mechanism that can output a positive or negative (like film) material.

lpi = lines per inch, number of line screen a job is printed at. Also see dpi.

M = one-thousand outline = refers to a piece of art that has a portion of it clipped out.

paper coating = paper that has a coating on it's surface. Various coats are dull, matte and gloss.

paper grade = a number rating of the quality of paper (#1 through #5 - with #1 being the most white and ususally the most costly)

printers' spreads = also see imposition, placing the pages in accordance to how the job will be printed. We read in reader's spreads; we print in printer's spreads.

reader's spreads = having the pages in order that we read (usually numerical). register = aligning all elements on film and on press to print properly.

resolution = refers to the number of dots per inch printed or scanned.

RGB = red, green and blue. The primary colors for a monitor.

RIP = raster image processor; the part of a printer or image setter that "rasterizes" the information to film or paper.

saddle stitch = to fasten a booklet through the middle of the book usually with staples.

scanner = a device used to convert a piece of art (usually a photograph) to an electronic file.

signature = a printing term that refers to the printed sheet in printers' spreads

spine = the skinny part of the cover between front and back covers or the backbone of a bound book.

stripping = a printing term that refers to positioning and taping up film in register.

Tiff = tagged image file format (art)

trap = in printing when more than one-color overlaps another color the colors are either minutely enlarged (spread) or reduced (choked) to prevent white gaps between the colors from leaking through.